Widening the support for large scale uptake of Digital Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing

Period: 2017-2020

Funding institution: European Commission – H2020

Client: ECHAlliance CIC

Link: https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/home_en

WE4AHA is advancing the effective, large-scale uptake and impact of Digital Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA), building on a comprehensive set of support and promotion services. Through WE4AHA’s centralised administration, coordination and external communication, the relevant stakeholders will be mobilised to help develop and implement three EU guided activities: Innovation to Market (I2M), Blueprint Digital Transformation of Health and Care for the Ageing Society, and EIP on AHA. ECHAlliance is leader of the I2M plan and activities WP, and has conducted surveys around the needs and expectations from both demand side (public organisation purchasing digital solutions for AHA) and supply side (in particular SMEs and start-ups).

WISE role: as part of a collaboration agreement with the European Connected Health Alliance, Wise Angle has delivered its services by seconding staff in the role of WP Leader for the Innovation to Market (I2M) Initiative.