Co-creating new implementation solutions for poverty reduction in deprived urban areas

Period: 2016-2019
Funding institution: ERDF URBACT (1st call for proposals for Implementation Nwtworks)
Client: Barcelona City Council
URBinclusion is focused on the co-creation of new implementation solutions to reduce urban poverty. Integrated strategies addressing social inclusion are being implemented by the nine partner cities composing the Network. Due to the multifaceted nature of the problem, there is a need to put the spotlight on “interconnectedness” of policy measures and re-design decision making processes: to this purpose, the project is boosting innovative methods of knowledge exchange and collaborative learning.
WISE role: Coordination and preparation of the proposal; preparation of the budget; Contribution to the writing of the Baseline Study to be delivered at the end of Phase 1 as part of the application form for Phase 2.