Excellence Network for the Development and Implementation of innovative models of integrated stroke acute care

Period: 2018-2021
Funding institution: ERDF INTERREG SUDOE (Second call for proposals)
Client: Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS) and Partners
The principal aim of this Project is the promotion of the cooperation in the field of R+D+i, stimulating the mutual learnign process and fostering the innovation practices in the field of the stroke integrated care, thanks to the incorporation of new data analisys technologies and to the creation of a permanent network to provide all the stakeholders involved with the opportunity of sharing information, lessons and best practices.
WISE role: Consortium building, proposal design and writing (INTERREG SUDOE 2017) – ICTUSnet – 1st ranked (out of 357) in both Phase 1 and Phase 2.